Wheelies news since 2013

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Review of KS16A by Clarence Chan

I was invited by The Wheelies to do a review of KS16A and I am excited to be given this opportunity by them. As I have ridden NineBot One before, my first impression of KS16A is that the wheel has a 70% resemblance to NineBot One. I did a side-by-side comparison with NineBot One and I realised KS16A is a little larger than NineBot One.

When I switch on the power on the wheel, I was greeted with a very loud “Hello King Song”. It “shock” me to a certain extent as I wasn't mentally prepared for it. Well at least I know that my speaker is working well but I felt that it’s a little loud if I have to switch on the wheel during mid-night.

As for the trolley handle, it is very solid and firm. There is also the intelligent technology lighting where the wheel will auto light up when the sensor near the power did not get enough light source. It will also automatically detect the side where you are wheeling towards and form the headlight and brake light on the other side.

Next is Bluetooth speaker. KS16A has 4 speakers but is much softer as compared to KS14C. When I tried to blast a "dance tune" via the speakers, I can totally feel the bass vibrating on my calf. The music does not break and goes out of tune, which is surprising for me. Personally, I think it is a very good feature for any wheelers who enjoy riding with good music.

As for the wheeling experience, I find the riding experience much stiffer and responsive than KS14-C. I am also fortunate to be provided with a latest APP by the Wheelies. The design of the app was so much nicer compared to the older version. Unlocking the wheel with the authorised code allows me to improve my speed limit. It also has 3 different beeping speed limits to fit my riding style. The APP also has the ability to customise the LED light.

As I try to wheel on a flat ground and do quick turns with the wheel, I found that the bigger wheel did not in any way restrict my manoeuvrability. I was able to do some of the turning tricks with ease too.  However, I am not able to jump with KS16A due to the weight of the wheel. Moving on to the performance and stability of the wheel. I tried to accelerate with the wheel by forcing it. Not only did the wheel able to handle the additional demand in power, it does give me great confidence too as it is very stable.

If I am to give a rating for this out of 10, I would say it ranks at a high 8. Below are my personal opinions of Pros/Cons .

- Intelligent Headlight
- 4 speakers that are good enough for myself and good bass without breaking music at high volume.
- Very firm build-in handle
- Big battery capacity for long distance wheeling
- Customisable LED light
- Big and Wide Pedal

- Too bulky and heavy to carry
- Cushion is very hard (unlike the soft KS14c)
- Unable to force switch off headlight
- Very sharp sound produced by the motor (Like KS14c 800w)

To reserve your King Song, you can visit http://thewheelies.sg/shop/king-song-ks-16/

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