Wheelies news since 2013

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The rustic charm of Pengerang!

Pengerang is an area at the southeastern tip of Johor, to the south of Desaru. The island of Pengerang can be reached via bum boats from Changi Point Ferry Terminal (Changi Village) daily. There is no fixed  schedule- the bumboat operators will only leave when there are 12 passengers. The earliest ferry is around 7 am, and the last bum boat is around 3-4pm Singapore on weekends. As Pengerang is part of Malaysia, you will need a passport to enter.

The Wheelies had a chance to visit Pengerang earlier this year, thanks to one of our regular members Dennis Lam, who offered to be our guide for this trip. It was an highly anticipated trip for the Wheelies, given this is the second official trip we went overseas and the prospect of a sumptuous seafood waiting for us. So rather then to bore you with my text, do look through the video we created as well as the pictures taken during our trip.

In short, while the first part of the journey was exciting, sifting through villages after villages, the second part was not as interesting as the journey was cut short due to the risk of wheeling on a highway with vehicles racing pass us.  We decided to stop wheeling in the interest of safety for the wheelers and it was definitely the right decision taken.  It was overall still a pleasant experience despite the difficulties because we still wheeled a cool 1.5 hours non stop and of course the sumptuous seafood cuisine at our destination.

Source: http://wikitravel.org/en/Pengerang

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